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👉 The preparation for conception should begin 2-3 months before the desired conception date.

👉 Both women and men should prepare.

  1. Healthy nutrition enriched with vitamins and folic acid: seasonal vegetables and fruits, steamed or boiled food. Eliminate semi-finished foods, fast foods, limit sweets.
  2. Day mode: Provide adequate sleep (at least 8 hours a day) and rest.
  3. Quitting bad habits: smoking, alcohol consume.
  4. Taking folic acid 400 mcg per day: man before conception, and woman up to 12 weeks pregnancy as a prevention of the development of the nerve tube defects in babies.
  5. Contact a gynecologist for a gynecological examination, smear, ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs, examination for TORCH infections and urogenital infections that can cause infertility, miscarriage and infectious complications during pregnancy. If an infection is detected, it must be cured.
  6. Consultation of a general practitioner, for carrying out laboratory tests, detection of chronic diseases and in case of exacerbation the disease has to be treated and remission should be achieved.
  7. Visit a dentist to scan the oral cavity (to replace or put fillings).
  8. Consultation of urologist: examination, smear taking, if necessary investigation of semen.

Once you have completed all the above points, you may cancel all the contraceptive methods you have used.

Please contact:

Doctors, who take surgeries and can be addressed